Your partner in translation, editing and revision
Rooftop has extensive experience working with technical, economic, commercial and legal documents. Our French-English language services are centered around translation of documents ranging from technical manuals and tenders to reports, marketing materials and educational resources. Revision and some editing services are also available.

IT security...
With a solid understanding of the complexities, terminology and notions within IT and information security, Rooftop can efficiently and effectively translate your message without having to invest a great deal of time to research basic concepts, so we can focus on your specialized technology and offering. That saves you time, and money.
The team also attends international IT trade shows and follows current industry trends to ensure the content and service you get are up to date and right on point.
It’s all part of the Panoramic approach.
...and more
The focus at Rooftop is on translating IT and information security texts, but we're also experienced in other fields, including economics, law and social sciences. We would be thrilled to help with your projects in these areas.
As your committed business partner, Andrea and her team immerse themselves in your project and your field—knowing you and your industry makes our services more effective, and your work better too.
Types of work
Company brochures
Educational articles, lessons and resources
Marketing materials
Meeting minutes
Press releases
Regulatory requirements
Reports and analyses
Technical brochures
Trade show materials